EVO-AMARIS® – Quality factors at a glance

What is the special quality of our EVO-AMARIS® based on? In addition to other valuable components, sylimarin, the hepatoprotective active ingredient of milk thistle, is fundamental for this. From the selection and processing of the raw materials to their further processing, many steps must be taken to generate the high active ingredient content.
Raw material selection
The quality of EVO-AMARIS® is based on silymarin, the hepatoprotective active ingredient of the milk thistle. The milk thistle is a cultivated plant which is mainly grown in southeastern Europe. The cultivation conditions of the plants as well as the harvest and storage of the seeds can already influence the contents as well as the quality of the active ingredients.
This is why the value chain for us starts at the very basis – the cultivation of milk thistle and the selection of the seeds. The quality control is done either by ourselves or according to our specifications by trained specialists. In these controls, the colour of the seeds serves as one of the first indicators of the active ingredient content (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Colour of seeds as an indicator of quality.
Raw material processing
The further processing of the seeds is of equal importance. In order to be able to produce EVO-AMARIS® in its tested quality, we need standardised extracts with a composition of active substances defined by us. In order to achieve this, particularly gentle processing is required in order not to damage the active substance structure.
Continuous laboratory analyses confirm the desired composition and concentration of the raw materials. Various product and raw material screenings have shown us that many milk thistle products on the market have only low active ingredient contents and are not very standardized.
Further processing
The specific properties of silymarin require special preparation. Scientific studies confirm a low bioavailability and impairments in the rumen and stomach stability of native silymarin. On the other hand, there are possibilities to increase bioavailability. On this basis, the silymarin is further processed using our proprietary manufacturing process. This involves combining and activating the silymarin with other plant extracts. In the second step, the bioavailability of the active complex is increased.
A final fat coating protects against gastric and ruminal degradation as well as against cross-contamination with other active ingredients in animal feed (see Figure 2).

Figure 3: Daisy II incubator to verify rumen and stomach stability.
Regular laboratory-based controls at all stages of the production process ensure efficiency and quality. Periodic analyses of the silymarin confirm the highest possible standardised quality. Various raw material screenings have shown that the composition of products with little standardization can vary greatly. A Daisy II incubator is available for continuous testing of rumen and stomach stability (Figure 3). Regular trials on farms guarantee the best possible recommendations for use. In addition, we work closely with scientific institutions.
The production chain for EVO-AMARIS® begins with the production and further processing of the raw materials. Regular laboratory analyses and application tests guarantee consistently high quality and ensure the positive effects on the animal.
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